"When you allow yourself to be in a sangha the way a drop of water allows itself to be in a river, then the energy of the sangha can penetrate you, and healing and transformation become possible."
Thich Nhat Hanh
Sangha is the traditional name for a gathering of spiritual friends who are practicing the path of awareness. Our Sangha meeting includes guided meditation, a period of teaching, and discussion. It is suitable for both experienced and new meditators.
The Sangha meets in person at 6:30-8:00 pm Eastern on the
1st & 3rd Thursdays each month
The Meaningful Life Center
116 Carr St
Knoxville, TN. 37919
(can join by Zoom every week; see below)
The Sangha meets on Zoom Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 pm Eastern
You can go directly to the Zoom meeting by clicking the following:
If you join the Sangha from your own Zoom account, you will need:
Passcode: 418522

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Unconditional Love, Part 1
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Prayer of refuge & bodhichitta
The Five Mindfulness Trainings
Addressing the Environmental Crisis
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